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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Confusion of the heart and mind

Have you ever trusted someone completely, and thought you knew well, only to have them change, turn into someone else entirely, and treat your heart like a punching bag? You take blow after blow, but you stay, because you still kind of love that person. But eventually you turn away, figuring you've lost that person forever, and to simply stop trying to find what no longer is there. But after you've built those walls, to shield your heart from the pain, you catch a glimpse of the person you use to know, love and trust. Your heart want to open right back up again, to believe that that person is back and will stay, that they'll never hurt you again. But at the same time, your mind is telling you to stop, to stay walk away and not look back. Because you just know it will happen again. That you'll get your hopes up, only to have your heart mangled once again. But at the same time, you know you need to trust people, to not live a life alone, of fear and caution. But what do you listen to, what do you do? Which way do you go? Its very confusing...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

we all screw things up sometimes

Humans make mistakes. No one is perfect, and its what makes people unique. When people mess up, they not only effect themselves, but also the ones around them. But mistakes are made, however much we may try to prevent them. And I have made quite a lot of mistakes myself, some more serious then others. By making these mistakes I have hurt my friends, the people who support me and keep me alive. I hate seeing them hurt, especially when I know its because of something I have done. I don't always think things through, and I have done things I'm not proud of. I can only hope that people will understand that I'm truly sorry for what I have done, and will one day forgive me, because without my friends, I'm lost. Though I wish I didn't make mistakes at all, no one is perfect, no matter how much we may dream of being. To those I have hurt I'm sorry, and please forgive me, because I need my friends more than ever. And thanks for being there for me so far... You have made all the difference.