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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


When you hear of some one cutting themselves, attempting suicide, or hurting themselves out of frustration, you shake your head and think that they are weak, to emotional, or messed up in some way. But what people don't think about is why they are doing this... not the emotions driving them, the fear, the hate, the self-loathing. No, what people don't think about is what force caused them to this point. Chances are they didn't do it to themselves. Someone else was there, fueling their insecurities, their disappointments in life. But so many people have been pushed to far... so there is that many people willing to push other. But why? What is the point of making others feel bad? To make them feel better about themselves? To feel superior as the other person buckles under the weight of their depression? It's sick. To find securities in the lack of someone elses'.
To those who are like this, do the world a favor... be nice. Compliment some one instead of tearing them apart. It won't kill you, I promise. You might even get a friend or two (Gasp!). To those who are effected by people like this, be strong. Hold your head high and don't let it get to you. You are strong, and independent. You are what you make yourself out to be, not what other people say you are. Smile and enjoy life, and seek out those who make you happy.
By writing this I probably won't change the world. I may not change many people at all. But if anyone person is effected in the slightest of ways, then it makes it all worth it. To make this world strong, one person at a time. Stand up for the people, and their lives.

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